Term Life Insurance for Those Who Work in Hazardous Occupations
by Sharon Taylor
As overall lifestyle is taken into consideration when applying for term life insurance coverage, one of the principals that underwriter's evaluate when deciding to grant approval is your career. Applicants who risk their lives or are subject to potential disability on a regular basis will pay a higher term life insurance premium than the average person in relatively "risk free" occupations.
Hazardous Occupations
Many people must work in hazardous occupations as their primary source of income. Pilots, aviation or scuba diving instructors or firefighters are a few examples of high risk jobs. As unfair as it might seem, all these professionals can expect to pay higher term life insurance premiums. However, reasonable term life insurance coverage is still possible if you obtain necessary licenses and take safety classes. It is best to ask your insurance carrier about the necessary requirements so that you can meet them before applying for coverage.
Waiver of Premium Rider
For those of you who work in jobs that could potentially disable you physically, you may want to consider a "Waiver of Premium Rider." By adding this rider to your term life insurance policy, your premiums will be waived should you become totally disabled. This type of rider is ideal for those who work in jobs such as metal or iron work or any hazardous occupation where you have to deal with chemicals, fire or specialized machinery.
Usually waiver of premium riders change along with any term life insurance policy premium changes (such as an increase due to age). The waiver of premium rider terminates on the renewal date closest to your 60th birthday.
Choosing a Term Life Insurance Carrier
If you work in a hazardous occupation, it is important that you do you due diligence when choosing a term life insurance carrier since you are in the "high risk" category. Not only should you make sure to choose an A or A+ rated term life insurance company, but it is also important to check what kind of "mortality table" the carrier uses. Mortality tables help determine the premiums you pay by measuring what kind of risk you are. Many term life insurance companies use older tables, for example, on 30-year old data. If your insurance company stays up-to-date they will employ a method called "clinical medical underwriting." This method takes into consideration all the current medical advances and lifestyle choices that allow people with medical/disability problems to live long and productive lives.
Getting several quotes for insurance policies will ensure that you get the best term life insurance rates and coverage. Why pay more than you already do working in a hazardous occupation?
About the Author
Sharon Taylor is an expert life insurance writer and frequent contributor to eQUOTE Life Insurance. eQUOTE is a leading Internet resource for life insurance prices, quotes and comprehensive life insurance resource information.
Labels: term life insurance
Term Life Insurance for Those Who Work in Hazardous Occupations
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