Friday, March 28, 2008

Whole Life Insurance Policies

by James Brown

Some people view their whole life insurance policies as investment tools because the death benefits in the policies will take care of expenses when the person passes away. Others think that life insurance is an insurance policy that provides great dividends to many family members at one time. All opinions would be correct because the monies paid into a whole life policy throughout life will provide people with income in later years.

The payment plans for these types of insurance policies can be tailored to meet the financial needs of any family. Some people prefer to pay for whole life insurance once a year and not think of it again until the anniversary date of the policy rolls around again. That time will be very special for some because anniversary premiums give policyholders the opportunity to update policies to provide benefits to any new additions to the family including the college funds of schoolchildren in the home or grandchildren who need to be taken care of.

Some families can trim back on whole life insurance benefit amounts as the years go by because payments on the policy premium earn dividends in most cases and these additional amounts will make the death benefits increase as the dividends get larger. Some people have prepared wills that annotate a specific amount of monies to a specific person, and the benefits gained from these insurance policies can be adjusted to ensure that this is exactly what happens after the person is no longer around.

Policyholders will have many decisions to make over the 10, 20 or 30 years that payments are made on the policies. Every anniversary date will present the dividends that have accumulated over the year. Policyholders have a choice of declaring those benefits just so they can use the funds to reduce the amount of the payments made each month on the policy. They can also declare that the funds remain where they are so that the money can earn interest over many years.

If the policyholder does not declare the dividends, then they are assumed to have left that task up to the person that is designated as the beneficiary on the whole life insurance policy. That person can then make decisions about how the dividends are to be used or select the reduction of payment option using the dividends that have accumulated over a number of years. A large sum of cash will change hands when a whole life policy death benefit is paid and some options allow it to remain as is to provide whole life coverage for the beneficiary.

Insurance rider policies can be added to the original insurance policy that a family has to provide a death benefit amount of $10,000 that accounts for every child at home. Children often convert these life insurance riders into permanent insurance policies for their own insurance needs, but there are certain age limits and coverage amounts that should be discussed with a qualified insurance agent before whole life insurance policies benefits are used in this manner.

About the Author:
James Brown writes about deals, Mexico Insurance Services bargains and coupon


Whole Life Insurance Policies


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Whole Life Insurance And Why People Choose It

by Ivon T. Hughes

Although term life insurance policies gets you cheaper monthly payments, when you request quotes, are whole life policies a better buy? With whole life policies you are covered for as long as you live and pay the premiums. With whole life insurance you are prepaying the cost of the policy but it is not a good investment, just a forced savings plan.

Is Whole Life Insurance Flexible ?

With whole life insurance you can choose a time when you can stop paying premiums, if there is sufficient cash surrender value. Most people spread the cost over their working life, so when they retire they are able to stop paying premiums. But remember you have prepaid these premiums because whole life is up to 5x more expensive than term life insurance.

When it comes to premiums, for whole life or term life insurance, you have the choice of lowering your death benefits, which lowers your payments.

The lowest premiums are with term life insurance but, if you get the term insurance quotes at a later age, the cost may be comparable. The positive side of whole life insurance is that there is no term specified which will run out and leave you without any life insurance as long as you pay your premium. However the same is true with term to 100 life insurance.

How Do I Get Personal Whole Life Insurance Information ?

As with any large financial decision, it is best to shop around and get the best quotes for your life insurance needs. Make sure that you are comparing similar policies between companies with the same amount of coverage. There are many insurance companies online, so shopping for your whole life insurance quotes is simple and you are never under obligation to buy.

Remember the best time to look into this is now, while the premiums are cheaper, especially for your whole life insurance.

About the Author:
Ivon T. Hughes of The Hughes Trustco Group is the author of the Life Insurance Handbook: How To Get The Best & Cheapest Life Insurance available FREE to all new subscribers at:


Whole Life Insurance And Why People Choose It